Wednesday, August 24, 2005


My daughter is not blessed with the gift of spelling. It's been a struggle for many years. This year I went to our homeschool group's used curriculum sale. Pretty much no one showed up. I think there were five of us. One woman, I think her name was Michelle, had a suggestion. She told me about AVKO's spelling called Sequential Spelling. I hesitated to post about it until we were further into it. We've been using it since mid-June. We started at the beginning (my daughter is 12) and we do about 2 lessons a day. We are on lesson 61-62 today. The improvement on her spelling tests has been dramatic. I've also noticed a huge improvement in her English homework. I think the spelling was so difficult that she wasn't noticing the punctuation. All in all, this program is working well for us. In the past we've tried many things. We used Spelling Power for the longest. There are some free beginning samples on the AVKO website. If spelling is a difficult spot in your homeschool day, you might want to give it a try. I still notice really poor spelling in her notes to herself, but I'm seeing major improvements in her schoolwork.

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