Monday, August 22, 2005

Discounts for Homeschoolers/Educators

This is a list of businesses that give discounts to homeschoolers in our area that are national chains. As we compile our list of businesses, we find that bookstores really like homeschoolers. That could be because we buy so many books. Even local bookstores offer discounts and are willing to set up space for us for meetings and classes. Our local Hobby Lobby has offerred space for classes and Michael's held very reasonably priced classes for us that were taught by a retired school teacher. As we look toward planning the year, it's nice to avail ourselves of the local resources. If you know of any businesses that we haven't found that offer discounts or services to homeschoolers, please drop us an email or a comment.
Barnes and Nobles
· 20% off purchases for classroom use with valid id (membership letter or card)
· 25% off almost the whole store at semi annual teacher’s appreciation day
Book Warehouse
· 15% off outlet book store prices
· no id required, just tell them you’re home school at checkout
Borders Books & Music
· 20% off purchases for classroom use with valid id (membership letter or card)
· 25% off almost the whole store at semi annual teacher’s appreciation day
Dairy Queen
Food coupons available as student incentives. Contact the Dairy Queen manager closest to you and state specifically what the incentive is for, ie. number of books read.

JoAnn’s Fabrics
· 10% educator discount, ask for the form in the store
· 15% educator discount, request a form to fill out

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