Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Foreign Language Supplements part one

Computer games:
French For the Real World
Spanish for the Real World
Jumpstart Languages (for the preschool/early elementary)
Asterix Learning Language Software - this looks interesting
Jumpstart Spanish

Lingua Fun Card Games - we picked this up in French at our local Borders Bookstore

Favorite books
French Dictionary ages 9-12
The Word Detective in French from Usborne (last I heard this was out-of-print, I borrow it from the library)
First French from Usborne Books
Hide and Speak French from Barron's
Goodbye USA -- Bonjour la France Book 1 and 2 from Barron's
Action French! Board and Card games, song, badges and lots more from Passport Books
Berlitz kids language kits
Babar's French Lessons
Asterix in French, Latin etc.
Cattus Petasatus: The Cat in the Hat in Latin
Quomodo Invidiosulus Nomine Grinchus Christi Natalem Abrogaverit The Grinch Who Stole Christmas in Latin
Winnie Ille Pu: A Latin Version of A. A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh
Harry Potter et Philosophi Lapis(Harry Potter Series) Latin Harry Potter
Virent Ova! Virent Perna! (Green Eggs and Ham) in Latin
Les Portes Tordues: The Twisted Doors: The Scariest Way in the World to Learn French! This looks nifty.
Minimus Pupil's Book: Starting Out in Latin
Who Loves Me? Quis Me Amat? (I Am Reading Latin Series)
What Will I Eat? Quid Edam? (I Am Reading Latin Series)
How Many Animals? Quot Anaimalia (I Am Reading Latin Series)
What Color Is It? Quo Colore (I am Reading Latin Series)

For the car:
Teach Me (insert a language here)
Berlitz kids: The Five Crayons, A Visit to Grandma

I didn't concentrate on Spanish because of the wide availability of Spanish teaching materials and books here in the US. Most of the books, software, etc listed can be picked up in many different languates. The exception would be a few of the Latin items: Minimus and the I Am Reading Latin Series. I'm sure this list will be added to as favorites emerge that were not put back on the shelf and as suggestions are made by others.

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