Friday, November 11, 2005

It’s Time

It’s time for me to take a break from this blogging business and attend to all the pressing matters we have going on around the house.

I love to put my thoughts and research and links up but it’s taking up time that I can’t spare right now. I’ll still be watching and reading homeschooling news and reading others’ blogs for their goings on, along with all the usual stuff that goes on in the homeschooling world. But not –trying- to put up coherent thoughts anymore. It’s ‘breaking my brain’ as my kids would say. And after not getting dates right and thoughts completed just yesterday, I know it’s time.

So, with that, and to be fair to Kara and her participation on the blog with all of the technical do hickeys and posts that she’s spent a lot of time on, it’s time right now for me to focus fully on the home and hearth.

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