Friday, November 11, 2005

Sustainable Illinois Farms

Don't know how or why I ran into this, but thought it might be of interest to many homeschoolers. As we generally oversee what goes in their brains and in their stomachs. We have many homeschooler friends who participate in this or have chickens in their back yards for the eggs and the chicken. (Brings to mind the Ruby character-Renee Zellweger, and the fate of the rooster in the Cold Mountain movie. As someone who was chased by a rooster with mile long spurs visiting someone as a little girl, I cheered her on.)

Thought I'd put it up now even though it's not a great time of year to be checking them out for some produce, unless you're looking for some good tasting eggs, as opposed to the horrid, factory eggs in most groceries.

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