Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Update on Whale Rider Goodies

Got a note about some more Whale Rider goodies. Haven't had a chance to really dig into the site, but I love the picture of Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) and am glad to see more about the Maori and I want to read the book. There's also a great resource page on the site. Check it out! Here's the info.

Hi Susan. Saw your note on Whale Rider on the homeschooling site. I am
working on this presentation for PBS and wanted you to know there is a terrific
site that you and other homeschoolers should check
out. It was produced by the presenting organization, Pacific Islanders in
Communications, and includes lesson plans, a free downloadable family viewers
, an interview with Witi Ihimaera and extensive background into the Maori culture. There is also information on a National Outreach Campaign we created with the Girl Scouts of the USA.

It would be great if you could help us spread the word about this to homeschoolers. I wish I could have gotten the word out to you prior to the premiere showing, but note that Whale Rider is also available at libraries, for purchase or rental on CD and video, and that PBS stations can air up to 4 broadcasts of the show through September 24, 2005. Homeschoolers should check with their local stations for additional broadcasts. To find your local station, log on to

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